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Ready for the 2012 Prom?


Visit to the State Capitol

How to be a tourist!

Il y a plus de choses a voir a Oklahoma City qu'il n'y parait! Le Dimanche de notre week end the Thanksgiving nous avons tout d'abord ete manger a Pops, un restaurant situe sur la fameuse "route 66" qui est surtout connu pour ses sodas, il y a plus de 500 de toutes formes/coulleurs/gouts differents! Pas tres loin il a y un autre site, c'est "the rounds barn" un grange ronde tres jolie et tres traditionelle.
Ensuite, nous sommes alles a Bricktown au centre ville d'Oklahoma City. C'est tres joli, tout en briques avec un canal qui coule le long du centre. Il y aussi un endroit ou in y a des bronzes extremement realiste depictant l'arrive des premiers colons en Oklahoma, c'est impressionant!
Enfin, mon moment prefere a ete quand nous sommes allees dans le plus Americain de magasins possiblement imaginable: Bass&Pro. C'est un magasin pour les "American guys", les hommes, les vrais! Ils vendent tout pour la chasse, la peche, le camping: que des activites viriles! Avec Michelle nous avons pris des photos avec des fusils de chasse, habilles en tenues de camouflages et aussi a cote des animaux empailles. C'etait tres amusant, c'est le genre de magasin qui n'existe qu'aux USA (et heureusement d'ailleurs ). Mon anecdote favorite etait un panneau avec ecris "the braggin'wall" ou des gens postaient des photos d'eux avec leur plus grosse bete tuee. Un ours, des chevreuils, des sangliers,... Les Americains prennent cela tres au serieux!
Sinon, je sais qu'il y a autre chose a voir a Oklahoma City mais il faisait froid et puis la nuit tombe malheureusement de plus en plus vite!

- Celeste Charbonnier

Great oral presentations by Luzarches students

Well done to all the Luzarches students who worked so hard on their presentations. They were much appreciated by the Classen students.

Louise Phung's sporty Thanksgiving break

I helped my penpals grandfather to cook the turkey. During the afternoon I played football with the cousins, that was very much fun! I really enjoyed it. Then we ate together the Thanksgiving meal and we had so much fun. After, from 10.00pm to 02.30 am I went to Black Friday. That was crazy, people were waiting for hours in front of the doors. They were cold but they did not care.

On Sunday, after going to church, I ate at a very American place, Jimmy's egg, then I went to Pops. That was very nice. Finally I went ice-skating in the evening after visiting the tube garden.

Louise Phung

Adeline's Thanksgiving

For the Thanksgiving break we spent most of our time at Mariel's grandparents' house. On Wednesday, I met her whole family and we ate Chinese food together. At night we went to see the Chickasha Festival of Light and then came back and slept at her grandparents'. Then on Thursday we spent the day with her family and it was a very calm and pleasant day.

At midnight we started our "Black Friday" adventure and we only came back at 6.00 am. On Friday afternoon we went to Amanda's house because she was having a party.

On Saturday Mariel had her musical so I just stayed at home and on Sunday we went to church, and for lunch we ate "pho", which is a Vietnamese dish, and we went to Fabiana's because she organized a party which was also a lot of fun.

Adeline Spriet

My Thanksgiving Day continued ...

Finally, on Sunday afternoon and evening we went to Fabiana's. She's hosting Adele and she lives in a magnificent house. Her mum and her aunt cooked and everything was spicy. I LOVED IT. We, once again, had a good time.

Don't think I've forgotten to speak about Thanksgiving Day because I haven't. I just wanted to keep it until the end because I know it is what you want to learn most about! So, on Thanksgiving we began to cook for the big day. My penpal and I baked the pumpkin pie (so delicious) and then I cooked the cranberry sauce. On Thanksgiving morning I watched the parade on TV. It is on 34th in Broadway, NYC. Then in the afternoon we cooked again  and when we were over, around 8.00, we ate! There was food left over and I loved eating it. The dinner was so great. I tried the dressing and I absolutely loved this! And with the leftover turkey we cooked a turkey soup with matzo balls, Jewish bread.

Agnes Rouhier

My Thanksgiving Weekend by Agnes Rouhier

Waaaah! it was so much fun during this weekend. It wasn't really a weekend rather a break, the Thanksgiving break. I went to the mall three times during this period. In fact, I went to the two malls Oklahoma City offers, once for Black Friday. I woke up at 02.00 am and went until 03.30 am. I was with Adele and Madalina because their penpals know mine. Around 04.30 we found Rizlene and Ophelie. We spent the day together and in the evening we went to Amanda's for a sleep over. That was so much fun. We were numerous and we had a really good time. An American party is absolutely better than a French one! And, as I know you are wondering, there was no alcohol and the mother was there all night long feeding us and doing everything in order for the party to be perfect.

Comprendre le football americain (essayer au moins)

Au cours du long weekend de Thanksgiving, nos eleves ont pu constater que le football americain etait un sport tres populaire aux Etats-Unis. Une fois la dinde avalee, beaucoup d'Americains se deplacent vers le sofa et regardent pendant de tres tres tres longues heures les matchs de football.
    De maniere a vous aider a comprendre ce sport, voila un website qui en resume avec moult details les regles. Pour rappel, Amiens possede une tres bonne equipe de football americain si vous voulez passer de la theorie a la pratique!!!


Une journee a Classen, Par Louise Leroux

    Nous nous reveillons le matin a 6 heures pour pouvoir nous preparer rapidement car nous vivons en dehors d'Oklahoma Cty. Puis ma correspondante nous conduit vers le lycee (elle a 16 ans et elle peut conduire). Le trajet dure a peu pres 20 minutes. Nous commencons les cours a 7h30 et pour chaque matiere, les lecons durent 1h30. Les eleves ne sont pas attribues a une classe specifique comme nous (ex: 1L1, TS2). Ils choisissent en debut d'annee les lecons qu'ils veulent faire. Nous finissons les cours a 14h30 puis les professeurs ayant programme des visites, nous allons dans des musees. A la fin des visites, nous retournons chez nos familles pour manger des plats typiques.
    Pour la derniere semaine que nous allons passer en Oklahoma, Madame Randall, Monsieur Chapolard et Madame Borja ont programme pour lundi la visite du Capitol, puis mardi nous allons au "National Memorial Museum", le lendemain nous irons au musee national des cowboys, enfin pour le dernier jour de visite, nous allons au "Harn Homestead and 1889ers."
   Tout se passe bien. A dimanche!!! Louise

Ce week-end par Rachel Rodgers, eleve americaine

Les francais sont ici depuis une semaine, et quelle semaine! Estelle et moi, nous nous sommes amusees bien! Pour le Thanksgiving, on est alle chez ma tante, a Tulsa, avec toute ma famille. On a mange la dinde, des pommes de en fait, mon grand-pere a apporte une dinde en chocolat! (C'est pas normale...mais c'etait tres amusant!)

The Friday after Thanksgiving each year is called "Black Friday." If a store is in debt, it is said to be "in the red," and if it has more than enough money, it is said to be "in the black." People shop a lot the day after Thanksgiving, so stores go from red to black. Thus, it's called Black Friday.

On a fait du shopping un peu a Black Friday--on est allee au centre commercial, au libraire, et a Campus Corner (les magasins a cote de l'Universite d'Oklahoma). J'ai achete un livre et des t-shirts, et Estelle a achete un t-shirt et des cadeaux pour sa famille et ses copains. On a dine au restaurant chinois, et on a regarde un film--Crazy, Stupid Love, avec Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, et Emma Stone.

The next day, Saturday, we went to an OU football game. I live in Norman, a town very close to Oklahoma City, and the University of Oklahoma (OU) is also in Norman. OU football is very important to the entire state, but especially my town. American football is a bit different than what we call "soccer," and much more complicated! Each year, every team in the nation plays a number of games, and after these matches, two teams play for the National Championship, which determines the best team in the nation. OU has not been the National Champion since 2000, but they have been second place a number of times. Sadly, we will not even play in the Championship this year, but we will possibly be the regional champions! (That game will be played Saturday, December 3.)

Alors, le match. Il faisait tres froid, et il y avait BEAUCOUP du vent! Mais c'etait amusante, et on s'est amusee bien. On y est allee avec une copine, Liz, qui avait deux billets supplementaires. (Quelle chance!) Estelle a vu des pense qu'elle les trouvait assez bizarre, mais interressantes. Et, heureusement, OU a gange! :)

Overall, it was a wonderful weekend. I'm so happy to have the chance to see my French friends again. I wish that everyone could stay longer--two weeks seems too short! But this just means that everyone will have to return someday. The Classen-Luzarche exchange is a wonderful program, and I'm very glad to have the chance to be a part of it.

--Rachel Rodgers

Un bonjour de Shodai

Bonjour tout le monde!

Le jeudi etait un jour tres important pour les americains, puisque c'etait Thanksgiving. Nous sommes partis chez des amis, ou etaient presentes une trentaine de personnes. Tout le monde mangeait des dindes, des tartes a la citrouille, du jambon .. le fait de manger une dizaine de fois par jour est une culture tres americaine.

Pourquoi manger autant de choses en une seule journee? Il faut rappeler que cette fete a ete cree lors de la premiere recolte au XVII siecle, lorsque les colons anglais arriviaient en Amerique.

Encore une chose. Nous remarquons que les Americains adorent le fait de se rassembler chez quelqu'un, et de faire la fete. En fin de semaine nous avons organise trois fetes.

Il apparait que les americains fument moins que les francais, puisque je n'ai vu, pour le moment, aucune personne avec une cigarette, aucun adolescent fume.

Au revoir,

Shodai Ishii

Greetings from Sylvain


First of all, Thursday was Thanksgiving. During this day I ate a lot! And only good things: turkey, sweet potatoes .. I also made a pumpkin pie. Everything was very tasty. All the family was there with us during Thanksgiving. I discovered my penpal's family because we talked a lot. I had a lot of fun.

All finished with a good party at Fabiana's house on Sunday evening with all the "Frenchies" and we all danced so much!

But, as you guess, there is school on Monday morning ...

Sylvain Gateau

Le Thanksgiving de Solenne

Mon Thanksgiving s'est tres bien passe: a 14h j'ai mange chez les voisins d'Amanda. C'etait un tres "American Thanksgiving". Ensuite la maman d'Amanda a organise une soiree de Thanksgiving plutot iranienne.

Le "Black Friday" etait fantastique, c'est tellement agreable de faire du shopping a un prix bas.

Vendredi, samedi et dimanche soir, la plupart d'entre nous nous sommes retrouves pour des soirees qui etaient tres reussies.

De ce fait le reveil du lundi matin fut plutot difficile mais finalement quel plaisir de se lever pour decouvrir de  nouvelles classes!

Solenne Lazare

Flora and Her Great Trip

Hello Everybody,

My trip to Oklahoma is as I expected: very good. I'm having good fun with my hosting sister, Neha. School over here is very different from school in France. Pupils have a better relationship with their teachers. Lessons are much cooler.

We went to interesting and entertaining museums. For my long weekend of Thanksgiving I went to the cinema with all the other students. As I'm staying in an Indian family, we didn't celebrate Thansgiving Thursday, but Saturday in an American family. The food was delicious but very strange. For example there were marshmallows in the salad and potatoes.

I visisted a huge aquarium in Tulsa. Friday was Black Friday. We did shopping from 6 am to 3 pm. We almost spent all our dollars. Sunday night I was invited to Fabiana's house with all the others to party all together.

One week has already passed and I hope this second week won't go too fast as I wish we could stay longer.

Flora Level

Adele discovers a new country

In America we discovered a lot of new things that are different than in France. For example, the school system is not the same as our native country. It is in fact more relaxed, teachers are closer with their pupils. We discovered a lot of new lessons such as pschycology, yoga, dance ...

As far as the food is concerned, everything is bigger in America than in France. The food is really tasty and it is always a pleasure to eat it.

American pupils are very nice and they are very good hosts.

Adele Dupont